Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Tips menghitamkan rambut dengan photoshop

kadang warna rambut jadi jelek akibat tingkat penggunaan cahaya yang kurang bagus, apalagi kalau foto itu diambil dari kamera dengan mpx yang kecil. tapi tidak masalah, apa gunanya photoshop di ciptakan...hehehehehe

1. open file foto kamu di adobephotoshop tentunya
2. pilih Image > udjustments > selective colour
3. di kolom selective colour pilih warna hitam
4. black ditambah sesuai keinginan
5. di methodnya pilih relative

gampangkan...cuma butuh waktu 10 detik saja
####### selamat mencoba #####

Sunday, February 15, 2009

membuat foto anak kembar / create an image twin

create an image or two images in order to combine two apparently identical

1. open the two images to be combined
(Image size the two images is the resolution)
2. slide one image to another image with the (V)
3. selection of objects that are not needed / objects other than photos with polliganol lasso (L)
4. remove the (E)
5. if necessary, adjust the image with the Edit menu> transform> scale
6. blur border of the image first and second with the blur tool (L)

selamat mencoba

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Foto ala design grafis

1. buka file foto di adobephotoshop
2. pilih menu filter > artistic > cutout
3. tentukan level 5,simplicity 5,fidelity 2
4. jadi dah seperti di iklan-iklan
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